Empty Chair
Our Directors and Associates form the parts of the &|Ampersand sum, a highly qualified and capable team of people with very rich experience and a reputation for excellence. We are the sum of our parts……..
As a matter of policy we don’t post testimonials nor name-drop our clients, we simply rely on our reputations to speak for &|Ampersand. We don’t advertise or canvas. Word of mouth brings us prospective clients for initial, confidential contact and conversations. If there isn’t a fit, we won’t pretend that there is, but will continue to assist until we help clients find a good fit for their needs.
Similarly with our team, Associates join us when together we decide there could be a good fit. Since we all do complementary things, discussions with team members assists prospective Associates and helps &|Ampersand grow.
Over time we have added to the sum of our strengths and to the depth and breadth of expertise we can offer to our clients. Hence the empty chair – it represents an opportunity for others who appreciate our value system and work ethic, and who can bring new thinking and expertise to the team.
If you wish to contact us, have a chat with one of the &|Ampersand team or drop us a line in confidence to emptychair@ampersand.ie